Svetlana Yan


Bull, 1990, 36x49 cm Country, 1991, 100x78 cm Elk zone, 1990, 100x120 cm
Mist, 1996, 100x85 cm Destroyer, 1994, 100x120 cm White Ro, 1992, 100x120 cm
Fox road, 1997, 100x120 cm Snow-storm birth, 1997, 100x120 cm Witch, 1994, 100x120 cm
Waiting for the spring, 1995, 100x120 cm Reflection, 1998, 80x100 cm Drunk, 1995, 45x50 cm
Dog, 1994, 35x50 cm Pilat, 1990, 55x52 cm Moon, 1997, 100x120 cm
Hunting, 1993, 100x120 cm Masculine still art, 1998, 39x59 cm

©1990-2000 Svetlana Yan

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